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Sunday, November 30, 2008 Y 11/30/2008 08:39:00 PM

Friday, 28 Nov 2008
morn wake up, do usual stuff, pipa, piano n all. then lunch. played com. ate tea-break.do theory n leftover assessments... dinner.watch shi xiong di as per usual.cnt wait to c last episode on monday(tmr) for the 2nd time.{earlier this year germ n i watched on channel 48}. norm stuff... watch the little nyonya. then wash up n sleep.
Saturday, 29 Nov 2008

woke up. breakfast.played cards wif bro. bro played com. i watched the replayed da nu ren, xiao nu ren. ate lunch. go Sembawang hse. go ntuc. reach home made card 4 popo b'day. watched tv. go eldest aunt's hse to celebrate popo's b'day. 1st 2 arrive. played weiqi wif bro. sat swing. dun dare to lie on hammock. kept toking wif wen di, wen li, bianca jie, erica jie, samantha jie n wen di n li's foster sister fr NYGH sec 2 this yr, 3 yrs older than them but is cheena marh...
then every1 arrive. ate dinner.keep toking n cracking jokes. time passed.............. wendi n li left at 9pm to sen "sis" back coz of curfew in the hostel. so i tok wif the others... ate fruits. they brought down their "spring-cleaned" clothes n bags out for me 2 choose which 1 i wan. oso hv pencil cases. brand new!!!!! i cjose the purple girls rule one. then i chose alot. so in the end i ended up wif 1 bag full of bags n pencil cases n 2 bags full of clothes. then helped to decorate the christmas tree abit. then go home. already 11+. very tired. so showered then hit the sack.

Sunday, 30 Nov 2008
morn at 4am wake up coz cnt sleep. until 6am then manage 2 sleep. 9.30 woke up again. so sleepy. ate breakfast aft washing up. change. apply sun block. left 4 swimming lesson. ray nv come. did the plunging dive thingy. hate it. then aft lesson did the necessary stuff then went lunch. then go home. sorted clothes{holiday}. bathed. did theory n assessment. finished reading The Clique. Summer Collection. ALICIA. damn nice!!!!!! came back 2 bishan. ate dinner. bro played com then my turn. so i blog first. so now oso watching recorded fa zhen xian feng. so l8r eat supper then sleep lor.

cnt wait 4 tmr! go germ's hse to play. but sadly shannon cnt go :(
neway, won't b posting 4 at least a week. coz go holiday marh.
that's all. bye!

Thursday, November 27, 2008 Y 11/27/2008 08:39:00 PM

juz do summary now coz wanna watch tv.

Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008
morn practise pipa n piano aft breakfast. then ate lunch. play com (neopets). 2.30pm get rede 4 pipa exam. 3.00pm left hse 4 PCPS to fetch mum n bro, then left 4 NUS. dad dropped us off at the NUS CFA studios. walked inside to register, then go inside a room downstairs to tune n practise n wait 4 my turn. i sat thr more than 1hr still not my turn! so bored. finally my turn. still sit outside n wait. -_- lol
i tot i hv aural but actually dun hv. lucky sia. phew!
then finish pack up n tk 96 to Clementi Interchange. ate tea-break at the coffee shop. then tk 156 go home. reach home alrede abt 6.30pm.
watched shi xiong di{ten brothers} as i ate dinner. then went 2 library to return n borrow bks. i juz returned Four Truths And One Lie by Lauren Barnholt. i luv it! i really recommend this bk. ;) i borrowed some bks. then downstairs i saw one bk called The Clique.Summer Collection. ALICIA by Lisi Harrison so i go n borrow oso.
then go home shower. watched xiao niang re{ The Little Nyonya}. then went 2 sleep.
Thursday, 27 Nov 2008 {today}
morn mum go swimming lesson so cnt go swimming. then played piano. did the assessment that i hvn't finished. then ate lunch. played com. did work again. go play badminton wif Yu Kang n dad. very tiring. then come home watched ten brothers as i ate dinner again. bathed. then now i'm using com lor. so that's all.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 Y 11/25/2008 09:09:00 PM

today morn woke up at 10+. then ate breakfast. mum called fr Seletar thr coz got swimming lesson. called to tell my bro n i change n get rede ta go look at swimsuits. my eldest aunt {maternal side} came to fetch us n off we went 2 the warehse coz there cheaper. in the car oso hv their swimming instructor coz she noe the ppl thr n need 2 go thr tk sth. then go thr alrede my bro saw 1 swimsuit he lked so he went 2 try on. look lk his old 1 -.-"
neway, then i saw then nice 3-piece one that my mom told me abt. very nice!!!! XD lols.
then i tried on. comfy. then the aunty say if cold can use one lk t-shirt swimsuit to b warm. i oso tried on. comfy again. so we bought. of cos + my bro's n a special towel todry the swimwear that won't spoil it n a white swimming cap fer my bro { in case coach 4get 2 bring again.}. ttl: $137.
u noe if mine buy outside alrede $100+ but here onli $38!!!
neway, aft that, we went home to eat then changed to go out again. coz we sent my bro to school (wei qi) then my mum sent me to Veronica's hse 4 the last pipa lesson b4 my exam which is tmr. then i ended lesson at 2.30pm, so my mum n i fr thr walked 2 school 2 fetch my bro. then we took 57 home. went home drank a cup of HL milk then headed 2 Bishan Sports Complex to play badminton again. today is wif Yu Kang n Yu Xin n their dad. Arghh... dun wan to tok abt it. then at 6.30, our dad came 2 fetch us home. then i bathed 1st. then watched shi xiong di {ten brothers} again as i ate dinner. this is my 2nd time watching this show. but i 4got most of it coz very long ago. then i prepare 4 tmr's exam while my bro play com. then now my turn. but i decided 2 post 1st. so now goin ta play. tok 2 ya tmr! bye :D

Monday, November 24, 2008 Y 11/24/2008 09:46:00 PM

hi again! :D
morn at 10.30am go schools open hse n juz lk guang guang lk that. mid-way ate lunch at a dunno wad food court at Tanjong Katong. then at 2.00pm+ (i think) finally go home. then ate tea-break n went to wkend hse. practised piano a little. watched tv. ate dinner then go music lesson. come back shower n sleep.
morn go swimming. aft swimming go eat lunch. go home shower. then go Suntec Convention Centre Popular Book Fest. aft lk choosing all the things to buy. then my mom q-ing up for the canon counter. so she ask my bro n i go find my dad in the q. cashier B!! then cnt find dad. so went back to mom. mum called dad. he said he q- ing up. so looked again. nobody. went to find mum. no one. so i knew that dad was at cashier A at the other end. so my bro n i ran there. then got scolded by dad. i was lk freakingly angry so i choked back on my tears. coz i very emo. then paid liao went out found mum. then cried out a bit. then calmed down -.-" lol
then went to Bishan Park 2 to meet mum's university frens n their children fer gathering. over thr hv dog run so went n c. then shower rain so went back to pavillion. then rain stop ate chips, muffins n all. then when almost go play frisbee rain damn heavily. so we came back n the boys oso stop playing soccer. then wait fer 1hr+. my new sneakers all wet. so when rain quite light already we decided go Aunty Irene's hse hu is the nearest fr thr. then played wif those younger kids. play hp. then watch a very nice tv show, dunno wad it's called. then ate dinner. during dinner we kept chatting until very funny. we even played pranks on Lucas. then aft dinner, we played again. then watched The Mummy. n Samuel keep playing the piano. then when The Mummy finished, we went home. then showered n slept.
Today (Monday)
morn played piano. then 12.00pm ate lunch. then read newspaper n played com. dunno why club penguin cnt log in. so i played viwawa. then ate tea-break. watched tv {dog show}. then did theory. watched ying huo chong de meng. n then taught my bro piano pieces. then ate dinner as i watched shi xiong di {ten brothers}. practised pipa aft that. then played club penguin. managed to log in finally. then now i'm posting lor. k. now abt my bed time. so bye :)
i noe i sleep very early lk b4 PSLE. lol -.-"
n the prima deli thing wo you kong cai man man gen ni fen xiang barh.
so, buaii :)

Friday, November 21, 2008 Y 11/21/2008 09:36:00 PM

hiya! :D
today morn practise piano n pipa. then 12.00 noon go pipa cher veron hse hv lesson. then at 1.00pm finish ler. but mum hvn't come. so we tok a while. then mum came then go home. i muz practise many times now, coz exam on 26th Nov!!! 5 days away onli! XP
then go home ate lunch n showered then play weiqi wif bro. read book. play wif my cute hamtaro(lol) {coz my mum use com see route for the 6 choices.}
then ate dinner n watch shi xiong di[ten brothers] then got stomachache. then bathe again then played com a while. so now blogging.
thinking of stomachache makes me remember last year when the Prima Deli chocolate cake incident happened. i oso kena zhong. even made me postpone last year's grade 3 pipa exam!!haizz...
but now too tired to post abt it. maybe tmr huh? XD
that's all. buaii :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008 Y 11/20/2008 10:08:00 PM

today morn go preparatory lesson for the last time. phew! {9am to 10am}
then i took 163 go home then change, play a little piano, then go school. then reach school met jade. tok a while then saw carissa, khai shing n wan tian. so tok wif them.then we went up school hall. tok somemore... then tok wif ogin, waileng n jasmine n alethea. then mrs jane reyes made announcements then mr chin tok tok tok... then aft that we went back to class. xls toked abit. walao, she tok damn soft sia! XD
then get back results ler. my result very badd :(
aft i got mine, i asked alethea but she crying. dunno why. so i dun dare ask her. theni keep asking ppl. then 12.40 go food court near school eat lunch. then send bro to school n went to tpc walk. ate ice-cream :)
then at 2.30 go fetch bro fr weiqi lesson n shun bian buy bubble tea :)
then go home lor. then tok n tok wif family members n blah blah blah. n made choices but have'nt fill in the on9 form yet. then play club penguin until i finally got ninja! yay! lol
here's the list:
ninja-keep losing to sensei a few times n he will let u win :)
{sometimes the no. of wins may be more or less than stated}

that's all for today. dun feel lk posting nemore. 1 last sentence, i wanna go Cedar/St' Nicks!!! XD
bye! :p

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 Y 11/19/2008 09:22:00 PM

yo everyone! :)
today morn go sec 1 preparatory class AGAIN. quite ok lar but a little boring than other days. but 2day special 3hrs(9am-12noon) instead of 2hrs coz then tmr onli hv 1 hr=9am-1oam so can go school @ 11.30.
aft the lesson, i went home,ate lunch n played com. i played club penguin get purple belt then played viwawa abit then neopets. then played piano n pipa. then go jade's hse play monopoly AGAIN. we watched HSM2 as we played. then at 4.30pm, we left 4 Bishan Sports Hall to play badminton. but it was raining very heavily so we walked very slowly in case fall down. n we played n played. actually supposed to end at 6pm, but since nobody come to use the court, we played somemore, until almost 7pm. then went home ate dinner as i watched 10 brothers{shi xiong di} then went to bathe. n then played com abit more, club penguin i mean. now i got brown belt! woo hoo! i more n i cn challenge sensei! :P lol
then now i'm posting lo :)
gtg now. bye :p


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Y 11/18/2008 01:56:00 PM

nth much. juz hv sec 1 preparatory class
morn go swimming lesson wif ray. tred-water that time dunno where ray go. she suddenly vanished! then i think she go toilet. then when come back cher(her uncle) scold her. then lesson end go lunch. then at home showered n played piano n do theory.
then 5pm+ go Liang Court buy maid hp. then buy ler go clarke quay walk walk. so in the end i reached home to late to post.
morn go sec1 preparatory class again. went home in the heavy rain. then ate lunch n went to jade's hse play monopoly. oh yah! jade said that on sunday she saw mrs gan at a food court n mrs gan was playing wif a baby on the other side of her(jade was on another side). n mrs gan play until look very funny. her son oso played.
neway, at 3.30pm, we went to play badminton at Bishan Sports Hall wif Kelly n my mum n bro. then at 6pm, we went to swim at the swimming complex. n swim for more than 1hr coz we were nt exactly swimming but instead playing :P lol
then aft that go home lor.
Tuesday {today}
morn go sec1 preparatory class again n then tk bus home. n i played com aft lunch. n now time's up. so will keep u posted l8r if can! :D
and btw, club penguin dojo hv new game! try it! i onli got yellow belt :( i wanna get black belt n challenge sinsei to get prizes! cnt wait! ok. buaii! :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008 Y 11/15/2008 01:37:00 PM

ok tok liao. n she is not angry now but i dunno if so. n i din noe i copied xin ying's profile on dWeams i tot i rote dReams. nvm. so i toked to her n she is lk fine wif it n she said lk ppl oso sometimes angry 1. but i noe it's still a deep blow to her. so this is for xin ying jia qi n alethea n nikki( though i wan contact lenses but cnt coz degree toooooooooo high): SO SORRY FR WAD I'VE DONE. I REALLY TOT I ROTE DREAMS N I WANTED CONTACTS N I NO MORE A ROUNDA APPLAUSE N NOW IT'S FRENS WORLD OR FRENS CORNER N NO MORE CURLY WIRLY THING. A VERY SINCERE SORRY TO ALL OF U INCLUDING THOSE THAT I HAVE DID SMTH OR STH? K SORRY AGAIN.

Y 11/15/2008 01:25:00 PM

I COPIED ale's post n now she's very angry. so i deleted it n now i m typing this to apologise to her. i realised my mistake n i wun copy ne1's ever again. i noe she's mad at me n i m gonna lose this fren of mine if i dun make up to her. this is a really big blow to her n i am saying a really BIG SORRY ALETHEA. :( n i noe last time u n jia qi lk counting the profile thingy rite? so now i change it to my own FRENS CORNER n juz ALICIA'S PROFILE or MY PROFILE. so i m trying to call her now n apologise to her. after all she has always been a great fren n stood up to me b4 to that anonymous person. so tell ya later.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Y 11/12/2008 03:36:00 PM

I'm back!
yesterday nv post coz my bro go qiang the com when i finished practising piano n supposed 2 play 1st >:(
yesterday was a really fun day!
yesterday 1st period go com lab but everybody's com got prob. cnt use internet xcept gun. then go back class chicken wing tell us story abt ouija board. germ scared until pounce on me twice!!!
she oso pretend she is ghost.
oh yah. n heather gave me a fake dragonfly that cn balance if u hold it at the tip.
aft that xls lesson ys, aloy, shannon low, germ n ruiyu played game of life until abt 10.15am.
so germ won.
then aft recess i 4got wad happened. but we went 2 com lab @ 11.00am.
i played club penguin, then viwawa then neopets.. then time passed so fast aft school liao.
so wan tian(da jie), andrea(adoptive mummy), carissa(great grandmother), germ(my niece) n i went 2 carissa's hse 2 play. we played basketball, then badminton n then go playground 2 play blind mice. i nv get caught b4! :P lol
then almost 6pm then i go home.
go home liao change then go downstairs play badminton. then dinner, shower,etc.

today missed ms choong's period coz hv 2 sing graduation song. :(
then mr chan tok abt his story wif mr chin aft go back class.
then germ,shannon,ther,ogin n i played game of life 4 1 period then go pe.
alot of accidents happened. but i dun wan 2 say.then go recess.
aft recess we hv 2 stay in hall 4 lk 1/2 hr 2 rehearse 4 prize-giving day. i sit bside da jie n steffi.
then go back class packed up n go lvl 1 com lab to play. so i played neopets n viwawa. i oso helped wai leng wif her aqua grabber time trial. :)
then aft school go home lor, etc.
ok that's all. gtg play badminton wif my mom. bye :)

Monday, November 10, 2008 Y 11/10/2008 09:21:00 PM

Hi! :)
today morn when got outta school bus then realise that jia qi cut her hair. a lot of ppl keep laughing @ her. then got chinese tok abt dragons, lk so boring lor! then b4 the tok started, the ppl playing 4 inter-class games go n challenge 6G. so obviously 6G win, sports class wad.
then 6C lost 2 6B.
then aft the tok we go back class n play game of life {we=me,germ,shannon low,yanshen,aloy n gladys} but then mrs gan ask us go school hall "attend" the OPA prize-giving rehearsal. so we had 2 stop. lk so boring lor. so played uno wif cheryl, carissa, wan tian, germ n waileng. cheryl keep sabo-ing me lor >.<
then mr tan dun let us play. lk so boring liao.... so aft he go then wan tian, wai leng n i played cheat. wan tian won both rounds(i think)
then recess we went back class n continued.... then recess over assemble then come back class then xls let us play aft giving us back our $6 fr class fund. then we re-start the game coz all of us nt happy of either career or salary. then 1/2 hr later gun come then she say muz go com lab. so we argue but 2 no avail. so hv 2 go. then in com lab my com tk a extremely long time 2 load... >.<
then at around 12 finally cn work lerh :) so i played viwawa {sushido} wif ks, mel, ding jie, shannon low, jay mi, n jodie. until12.30 then go home liao lor -.-"
that's all 4 today :D

i cnt wait 4 tmr!!! i going germ's hse wade in pool, play table-tennis. n maybe halfway go carissa's hse (coz very near) n play lk badminton? neway i hope mel, dra n shannon low cn come :P
so bye! :)

Friday, November 7, 2008 Y 11/07/2008 08:35:00 PM

Hi again!
yesterday we go com lab play n all...nth much... all the norm aft PSLE things...
today morn, gun bring us com lab again! woo hoo! then i play sushido (viwawa) wif shannon. she keep 'qianging' the one i needed lor... :( fergot 2 mention, shannon,germ,ogin n i played cheat in the morn b4 com lab.
then aft recess,mr chin tok abt SQE & I&E Fair. we won!!!! :) yay! we were the onli ones hu reached more than $1000. so we get a boy n girl bear each. 6I (2nd) get either a boy or girl bear n a keychain. 6B (3rd) get either a girl or boy bear. wonder when cn get the bears? XD
go back class rote aloy's profile bk. he say i tk very very long 2 rite. wad 2 do? no pen wad. hv 2 borrow somemore. luckily carissa len me her pens.then riting that time 6B cher li lao shi come in then ask us quietly play. so shannon,ogin,germ n i gossip abt him. make until very funny. then germ try 2 copy the ding dang shen tan the surgical maniac. say performing op on chicken wing... very disgusting... then aft that cn go co lab again. so ale, aloy, ogin, germ n i play club penguin 2gether. then juz when i playing aqua-grabber half-way, then bell ring. hv 2 go hm liao. then tk school bus home n eat, shower n play com. then @ 5pm hv pipa lesson fer 1 hr. my exam on 26 Nov!!! i must jia you! lol XD
so now posting lor...
post tmr! buaii! :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Y 11/05/2008 04:45:00 PM

today jiaqi missed bus AGAIN! then she wore SCHOOL UNIFORM n ran 2 school. we're all supposed 2 wear pe attire coz pe day n got interclass games. bt nvm coz she nt playing n in the end nv hv pe.
so happy! aft losing 2 6C, we won 6I n 6H! n in class played cheat wif alethea, shannon low n germ. very fun. aft recess mrs gan let us go com lab n play nething we wan! so gd lor! then i go create viwawa account. very little gold :(
but nvm. then andrea sit bside me so she teach me some things on viwawa.
then b4 dismissal, gun gave out report books! i'm so happy! i improved fr 36(i think) to 28! somemore same as rui yu! high-five man!! then germ got better than me. i happy for her. :)
n shannon low same as yanshen. :) then end school so go home n rite andrea's profile bk ler...
so that's all. nth much 2 post now. bye :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Y 11/04/2008 05:50:00 PM

yay! 2day's fair was a great success! i think we'll win this time! we lk got about $1000 w/o coins!!! i'm so happy! lol :)
in morn, go our booth but then found out that 6I ppl took 1 of our benches. so germ, ash n jia qi went 2 argue. n in the end we got it back. then decorated the tables liao hv 2 go school hall lor. aft the morn assembly, gun bring us outside HOD office n let xin ying tk dunno wad. but xy dunno go where liao, so she damn angry... go back class luckily nv scold xy. then we faster rush to sports hall n arrange things. kuan wei, germ, ogin n i hvnt finish arranging the beads then 1 class come liao, so we just anthow arrrange. then the ppl nt on duty go back class but some didn't. somemore the 1st n 2nd shift ppl nv come back, so we lk damn angry coz it's lk qiang gong zuo. but nvm, coz got alot of ppl. then we help out lor... then morn session end liao, some go lunch 1st.
aftnoon session that time, we very hard 2 sell. coz they bring damn little money. so hv 2 slash price lor... then go la ke hv 2 bend down n ask... always reject :( but at least got some buy. n in the end i finished selling everything in the basket. so very good lor... then pack up n clean up then i go home liao lor... i bought bubble tea xD
so i really think we'll win! 6A jia you! the grand trophe is ours 2 keep! lol xD
that's all for now, bye! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008 Y 11/03/2008 06:35:00 PM

Hi so long nv post liao, so 2dae i post lor...:)

the HSM3 senior year lk i was saying was lk damn nice! i wish i cn watch again! i asked my mum if can get both soundtrack n dvd then she say see first... i really hope can... so, that's the movie... aft movie go home lor...

school is lk normal, hv talks, discuss n the end... aft school, germ n shannon came my hse to make things for the I&E fair. but over wkend made somemore so total hv 250. then we lk mei you xing qing so very slow progress... n aft they go then lk normal lor... bathe, eat n blah blah blah...

very sian... piano lesson play staccato beans very fast. cher wan me 2 catch up wif cd. but it's lk damn fast sia! i onli rite hand cn catch up :P n then hv 2 sleep early coz sunday got big walk [i was dragged 2 go :( ]

woke up @ 5.45 then wash up very fast n the whole morning routine...
then hv 2 go suntec the fountain of wealth or sth 2 assemble... n then cn walk liao... hv 2 walk lk 5km. then 4km i abit tired liao, but continued... oh yah, on the way my dad n i 'lost' my mum n she called 2 say that she was ahead so we walk a bit faster lor...
then walking on road that time i tripped alot of times coz i nv c where i walking coz i toking... then finally reach a muddy path... a lot of mimosa. then i keep playing... then walk a while liao, i spotted my mum n bro in front. so shouted at them n they saw us... so i keep wacking my mum n bro's head! xD they oso wack mine back. then when finally reach lk sooooo many ppl. n my sneakers oso damn muddy. i was lk OMG OMG!!! even worse, the toilet i went to, the cubical was lk sooooooo dirty n muddy! n smelly 2! so i ren lor... so sway lar! nv c another toilet which was so much cleaner the other side of the place... then walk a while, tired liao, so tk the shuttle bus back 2 suntec. hv 2 wait lk damn long lar... oh yah. i missed swimming lesson coz late liao! so happy! :D n we go suntec food court 2 eat lunch then go home lor... then i go home bathe n play n play lor... and and i oso din noe that jia qi n brenda oso go. i din meet them :( but i met thomas n austin hu r fr swimming bt quit liao [i think]

so that's all, bye! :)

P.S. i cnt wait 4 the fair tmr! i really hope we win! 6A jia you! jia you! jia you! :)


i am a random girl.
CRAZZAE at times :D
Loves to laugh and have fun
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♥pcps 6a'08
♥cgss 1POPsicle'09 & 2PokPokKeh'10 :D
♥PCPS CO tanbo'04-08
♥CPB! <3

♥heR Loves♥

♥pcps 6a'08
♥cgss 1POPsicle'09 & 2PokPokKeh'10 :D
♥PCPS CO tanbo'04-08
♥CPB!♥ esp darling zulaikha&chloe& dear mum enching& dear dad mel :) haha! and secret valentine kapeela!!♥
♥cgss 1Hundred Dollars'10
♥tuition mates!
♥Colours :D ♥


~Surprise Birthday Party? or just sth surprising :D ♥
~Colourful&Cool 8) stuff ♥ :D
~iphone 5!
~NEW SCHOOL BAG (desperately need one ><)
~neww pencilcase!
~neww watch!
~nicee clothes!!
~neww bags!!
~to learn KOREAN
~to pass my piano exam! ~to finish learning all e secret songs... esp the duets!! ♥
~to be 19!
~2PM Still 2:00PM ALBUM
~♥UKISS only one album
~♥BEAST Boys to search for top ALBUM
~♥SHINee HELLO repackage Album
~to get good grades...
~to survive COALS
~loadds more stuff which i cnt think of noww...

♥heR WhisPeR♥

♥heR Music♥

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