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Friday, January 30, 2009 Y 1/30/2009 09:14:00 PM

guess wad? i got into guzheng ensemble. happy! but onli hv denise, nian qin n i fr my class. i noe lar lk chinese orchestra. then dunno why netball tk down my name 4 wad. gab say sec2 i hv to play or sth. i dun think so. k. that's all. bye :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009 Y 1/29/2009 08:09:00 PM

yo people!
2day was fun! lessons as per normal, sc lab we used the test-tube n bunsen burner n oso the evaporating dish n tripod stand! n then home econs rite, we made sandwiches n french toast!!! nice! next week we cooking spaghetti!!!! i cnt w8!!!! then after school, w8ted 4 gab ta finish presenting her poster to mrs foong then went 4 lunch wif nithya :) we toked alot! then tried tking 966 to opp trellis towers bus stop. then helped gab wif the overhead bridge (cos she had a serious fall in the courtyard) then w8ted 4 56/57. w8ting, w8ting,....... then saw rachel er alight fr 154, so we chatted lor... then suddenly 56 came, so i rush 2 bus then ask the uncle w8 4 gab cos she needs time 2 walk. yah then go home...normal things..... yay! tmr no msp!!!! so cn go home earlier! :)
k. that's abt all. chao xP

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Y 1/28/2009 09:05:00 PM

hihi! long time no post lerh xp. neway, abt fri, yah happy 2 c everyone blah..... cn c ruiyu or alethea's blog 4 more info. cos i'm not in the mood 2 post. alot of hw sia. 1 pink ping-pong ball no more! now we're called 1 POPsicles :) then we pasted popsicles everywhere and so on. mel tee is monitress, wei qi is assisstant monitress, i'm secretary (my gang go sabo me lor. so bad ite?), lavina's sports secretary, n vanessa is treasurer. neway, i luv my frens :) hvnt link them yet :P ms wee so good lor. hcl period keep letting us watch CJ7!!!! so cute sia :) neway, besides 6A, 1P rules. hv to rush now. so bye :P oh yah, n happy niu year! {belated} xp

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Y 1/14/2009 08:56:00 PM

heyy everyone! wassup? i noe i hvnt been posting lately but no time 2 use com :(
neway, i luvv cedar so much!!!! so fun! unfortunately, my classsmates sabo me then i hv to be secretary.
yesterday half day. so me, germ, nikki, ogin n mel went to pei chun. we saw mrs gan teaching 3A!!! not 6A :( then we go tok 2 her. then go find xls but cnt find. then found mrs soh. she buy fiesta tickets fr germ only i think. then saw miss chua! she ex-cedarian!!! then she buy 1 fr nikki. then saw pricipal. he buy 1 fr each of us. so good rite? then saw mr lee. he bought 2. 1 fr mel n 1 fr germ. i left 1 nv sell onli cos my aunts bought 3 then principal bought 1. then saw xls. she oso teach 3A. then tok abit onli. then ask rs gan come down. then ask her buy but she onli hv $10 so i let mel lor. then i hv 2 tk care of bro so i pack up n left. then the donations queue very long so he missed school bus. so i bring him tk 57 home. yup. that's yesterday.
today nth much. lessons. blahblahblah... then audition for badminton, volleyball n basketball. badminton my classmates say i good leh. but my backhand lk so wad lor :( then volleyball is compulsory. then i hit until my hand very red. saw jasmine oso. then basketball i nv go coz i not interested. then go home wif gabrielle. went to near j8 thr 1st. see the FBT shorts. i wan the white n black n dark blue!!! i oso wan a new badminton racket. so nice the design!!!! :D
then go home lor. i wonder hw my frens that r in other schools r doin... neway, i really hope the whole class will be able to go bac pcps next friday for chinese new year.


i am a random girl.
CRAZZAE at times :D
Loves to laugh and have fun
i'm a NICE pc (:
i like colourful stuff

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♥pcps 6a'08
♥cgss 1POPsicle'09 & 2PokPokKeh'10 :D
♥PCPS CO tanbo'04-08
♥CPB! <3

♥heR Loves♥

♥pcps 6a'08
♥cgss 1POPsicle'09 & 2PokPokKeh'10 :D
♥PCPS CO tanbo'04-08
♥CPB!♥ esp darling zulaikha&chloe& dear mum enching& dear dad mel :) haha! and secret valentine kapeela!!♥
♥cgss 1Hundred Dollars'10
♥tuition mates!
♥Colours :D ♥


~Surprise Birthday Party? or just sth surprising :D ♥
~Colourful&Cool 8) stuff ♥ :D
~iphone 5!
~NEW SCHOOL BAG (desperately need one ><)
~neww pencilcase!
~neww watch!
~nicee clothes!!
~neww bags!!
~to learn KOREAN
~to pass my piano exam! ~to finish learning all e secret songs... esp the duets!! ♥
~to be 19!
~2PM Still 2:00PM ALBUM
~♥UKISS only one album
~♥BEAST Boys to search for top ALBUM
~♥SHINee HELLO repackage Album
~to get good grades...
~to survive COALS
~loadds more stuff which i cnt think of noww...

♥heR WhisPeR♥

♥heR Music♥

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