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Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Y 8/31/2010 10:08:00 PM

Today was just AWESOME :D haha.. in e morn we learnt defence skills :)
then halfway i went to do deco stuff in e hall which was so funny cos we kept laughing at the trs' rehearsals... we shouted w mr ravi "hit it!" n also we were lk saying the trs dancing sorry sorry so fail sia =.= haha! but really really funny!! :D:D then i went to check soccer, then cedarians started coming in...ok.... so then i help trs n all open door to walk in :) gana is so so happy she gave to mr aiman! LOL :D  then was CHEER!!! woots!!! i didn't expect bougae to be third... lk they so unorganised no offence..but anyway we got 2nd!!! haha for both sports n cheer!!! WOOTS!!!! ROSE DOMINATES!! :D:D haha. kinda regret not joining cheer last yr..:/ but anyways ... :) haha lol. anyway then had vids n awards n e performances... so HILARIOUS!! :D:D hehe... was screaming n laughing lk crazzae!! :):) then went back pcps :) met khaishing they all... then saw sally they all but decided to walk n look for heather first :) shannon didn't come :( anyway then we found mrs soh n chatted n gave our gifts when jervis that gang came n wow was i shocked or what? even dingjie was almost my height sia! OMG seriously!?!?!? then jervis way past my head alr!!!!! >:/ anyway, then we went down to the pavillion whr e others were, to meet mrs gan.. chatted w andrea, khaishing they all. ks n i talked abt SLC. wlao she supposed to tk my grp then she go China =.= she should tk EVRI :/ anyway... then we met n chatted w mrs gan n xls. took photos :) haha mrs gan still as nice as ever :) OMG n yes all the guys are shooting up so high! yanshen is lk so tall u hv to tilt ur head up to talk lol.. wah... envy envy... :) haha but nvm i lk being short... sorta.. then aft that ks left.. idk whr jiaqi they all go but idc nvm.. so we went to watch e performance which was wquite cute but boring... so we went j8.. ate at pizza hut.. soup not was nice but oh well.. wanted to watch movie but no nice one except step up 3D which we watch b4 lol :) so we just walked n decided to fulfill germ of her wish.. we went on an amazing adventure around Sgp by bus, train, n walking lol :) but veh fun... n we talk non-stop :) we even designed our clique tee which we're gonna make (shhhhh dun tell anyone lol) haha n we plan to wear it during the next class party :D heheh. then we fr bishan go marymount walk then tk bus to hougang then walk then tk train to ishan then go home... but took us a few hrs cos we walk veh long n talk so much :) yupp (: so today is a HAPPY HAPPY DAYY :) i shall sleep in tmrw. :Phaha yep.. i hope exams will be over faster then can see shannon heather n germ soon... n we can make the tees :) ok... shall stop here... bb (:

Monday, August 23, 2010 Y 8/23/2010 09:26:00 PM

... and i promise myself i will never shed a tear again...

ok yesterday i wanted to post more emo stuff but didnt get to use the com... i guess ppl really crash/ get really emo at this point of the year... anyway i've got over it and I AM HAPPY :D:D:D lol.. and i finally wrote a letter to my conshare :) yay me :D haha lol... snigdha here comes ur letter:) it's lk wk 8 alr n i just wrote my first letter to her =.= ok... anyway at least i wrote... haha :) but not as many as i wrote to xinyu n rachel loke... cos i was lk sorta closer to them n i didn't really know anything about snigdha... anyway i shall pas the letter to her tmrw... :) haha ok... i shall gooooo :)bye bye lk finally :)

Y 8/23/2010 09:19:00 PM

HAHA ok this is random :)
I LOVE SURPRISES :D probably cos my bdae is coming^^ cnt w8 :) haha...i was always dreaming of hving ppl throw surprise parties for me but that's so LOL xD haha so impossible can?! haha.. anyway i'm not expecting anything except a new bag/ some CN BLUE STUFF ^^ or UKISS stuff :) 2PM/2AM oso can haha :) haha now i'm so obsessed w wgm.... :) but i flunked chinese :X so must work hard noww :) gonna do assessment books :) haha BORING but anyways~ haha ok this is seriously random but idc lol :) 7th september hving evri outing... shld i go? dun feel lk going.... wanna stay home study.... but is lk last time i keep saying them when they dun wan go then if i say dun wan they confirm nag me esp cherine seah sia lol :) hmm... idk lah... ok shall post until here :)  today is a happy day~     OK that's is seriously RANDOM =.= i'm lk writing abt the chapters of my life lol... yesterday i was damn emo cos of the chinese thing.... wanted to post sth emo... haha i shall just post it next as a phrase or sth lol :) haha okies bb :D

Friday, August 6, 2010 Y 8/06/2010 04:09:00 PM

haha today was absolutely AWESOME!! :D i woke up at 5.30am, had only a cup of milo for breakfast, changed into red n white, and headed for school at 6am cos we're supposed to report at 6.30 for breakfast as well as briefing of duties. yup. so we got bread n banana n water. i like the bread ^^ haha :) then enching n i, with the china buddies (i help ray tk care of hers cos she was prize stewardess) went to our classes to put our bags then reported to foyer to get briefed. I was sec 2 coordinator with enching. so we went to chase the sec 2s out to the parade square. then morn assembly asked them tk attendance then did mass dance. proceded to the spaces on second level for sec 2s... then we ran here n thr giving out flags n all...enching needed go toilet n put things in her bag so we went to classroom block. then we saw sec 3s making loud noises so went to chase them out. they were lk saying lotsa bad things abt us. whatever. then chased sec 2s out too. so went toilet to have the fan (really REALLY needed it =.=) then went back out to stop ppl fr going to classroom block unless they hv valid reasons. so in the end we missed the uniform group part >< sad.. anyway aft that was prize-giving ceremony. i stood w nq n siyun n we cheered for our frens!!yay!! then went to hall. sat at the back. npcc ppl came. so i sat w enching, ray, suenern, germ(!! ;D) and amira :)haha was so hyper!! we cheered for almost everything n it was so loud i think i almost went deaf lol xD then had performances n a musical( a short one) n community singing, where it was so fun everyone was running around again lk last time :D haha. it was so fun!!! then we were jumping n jumping!! haha :D:D aft that went back class. i realised i left my math wb at home :X anyway mr leong heck care one luh. so i shall hand in on wednesday. then went to j8 w suenern, denise, siyun & minfay. we went to pizza hut (which is HATE). PIZZA HUT SUCKS!! THE SERVICE SO LOUSY!! >:( damn pissed w them. cos long queue they say leave name n contact no. so we left suenern's no. n went comic connections ten came back half an hour l8r (which is expected time got seat. n found out that the nygh girls in front of us in the queue previously was stilll eating, but THERE WAS A GROUP OF 5 JUST, I REPEAT JUST GOT THEIR DIRNKS N THEY WERE NO WHR BEFORE US WHILE QUEUEING UP!! STOOPID PIZZA HUT! I;M NEVER GOING BACK AGAIN!! WE ASK THE PERSON EXPLAIN SHE STILL SAY NO SEAT! THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THE GIRLS?!?!?!?!? STOOPID! so we were fed up n left. we ate at KFC :D so much better than the lousy pizza hut <-- STOOPID. then walked around.. went library read comics... mostly played my itouch haha (: then went back macs w siyun n denise to eat ice cream. (suenern n minfay went home) so we walked around as we ate. i bought yulings' present too (: haha. i'm gonna self decorate it :D haha i also thought of what to buy nq :D yup then we all took 88. i only took 2 stops, but at least got aircon. aft u alighted got some random china woman ask me directions so i just told her. then i went home lorh. haha yup. haha drinking bubble tea that mum bought me ^^ haha yay! thx mummy! :D so tired alr. just now run here run thr... but overall, today was AWESOME!! N FUN FUN FUN!!!!!! HAHA (except for the retarded stoopid pizzahut thing. waste our time one. anyways... haizz.. l8r still hv tuition. SIAN. =.= i hope yu going if not i only girl T.T haha ok gtg bb (:


i am a random girl.
CRAZZAE at times :D
Loves to laugh and have fun
i'm a NICE pc (:
i like colourful stuff

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♥pcps 6a'08
♥cgss 1POPsicle'09 & 2PokPokKeh'10 :D
♥PCPS CO tanbo'04-08
♥CPB! <3

♥heR Loves♥

♥pcps 6a'08
♥cgss 1POPsicle'09 & 2PokPokKeh'10 :D
♥PCPS CO tanbo'04-08
♥CPB!♥ esp darling zulaikha&chloe& dear mum enching& dear dad mel :) haha! and secret valentine kapeela!!♥
♥cgss 1Hundred Dollars'10
♥tuition mates!
♥Colours :D ♥


~Surprise Birthday Party? or just sth surprising :D ♥
~Colourful&Cool 8) stuff ♥ :D
~iphone 5!
~NEW SCHOOL BAG (desperately need one ><)
~neww pencilcase!
~neww watch!
~nicee clothes!!
~neww bags!!
~to learn KOREAN
~to pass my piano exam! ~to finish learning all e secret songs... esp the duets!! ♥
~to be 19!
~2PM Still 2:00PM ALBUM
~♥UKISS only one album
~♥BEAST Boys to search for top ALBUM
~♥SHINee HELLO repackage Album
~to get good grades...
~to survive COALS
~loadds more stuff which i cnt think of noww...

♥heR WhisPeR♥

♥heR Music♥

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