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Monday, November 22, 2010 Y 11/22/2010 04:18:00 PM

HOLIDAYS ARE SO BORING. I DO HW UNTIL SIAN. IDW DO LEY... WHY DO WE HV SO MUCH HW??? >< ANYWAYS STILL GOT SO MANY CCA PRACS SIAN.  OHOH I GOT INTO 3P COMBI :D:D:D HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY!!! ^^ FIRST CHOICE :D:D:D HEH. SMART PPL CHOOSE DOUBLE SCIENCE MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D:D:D PC CHALET WAS AWESOMMEEEEEEEE!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D:D:D I LOVE BLACKSHOEGANG!!! :D:D:D WE ROCK!!! :D:D I went on 2nd day EARLY IN THE MORN *points finger at Chloe* HAHA :D cos had cca prac until veh late on e first dayy.. ohoh CONGRATS ESTHER, MELISSA, PAVINAA AND PRIYA!! WOOTS! 4 PEOPLE FROM 1H!! FOUR!!! normally only one haha :)) ohh anyway in e morn we watched PHOBIA2 which was not exactly scary but it was GROSS. NC16... no wonder nurin wanna watch hahaha :D rachel n chloe keep hugging me lol :) aft that we ate our maggie mee  for lunch while watching V for vendetta (Y) haha :) veh nice... then exco changed part of the amazing race as it had rained heavily :) grouped w/ chels, wanyi, monisha and diviya :) heh all our shoes n legs got so MUDDY :/ but anyway we didnt care n ran in the race, getting slashed by dirty water n mud... then aft that we washed our shoes... MY POOR GREEN SNEAKERS :C lucky i wash fast n brought slippers. then  in the end they announced that my grp, PEECEELICIOUS WON!! WHEE~ we got e redondo biscuit but we gave to wanyi haha :) then sowon yanxin crystal rachel rc and kaushi came :)) haha then we prepared our farewell item.. in the midst of preparing diviya came into e room w us then started a wrestling match w alamelu hahaha :D it was so frigging FUNNY :D:D:D HAHA. then oh yah we had e  barbecue... ate n ate... then had e performance. got some sec ones lk just come for e performance then go so we were lk "WHAT?! they're pcs?" yah... ohh then we presented our cards and gifts... then e ppl not sleeping over left. only left lk 15-16 of us... played games... :) heh played werewolf. i was the WITCH. :D:D HAHAHAHA :D then we watched more movies... ohh n serena kept taking my dog (soft toy) haha :) she named it aft yixin (i was lk why aunty xin haha) then we watched inception then sleep... but i couldnt sleep... floor so hard haha :) yep morn woke up i bathed then we watched frozen... so sad lor... n gross! i cnt believe that the bone would actually poke out liddat >.< disgusting! the stupid dumb blonde should die instead of dan n joe :/ so sad... STUPID WOLVES. == aft that we packed n took group photos haha (: random (: heh. then we left (: wahaha yixin uh.. ANYWHR ANYTIME ALSO CAN SLEEP ONE MAN THAT AUNTY TSK xP on e mrt wahh she lk not even a minute sleep alr n we were lk o.O haha (: then rachel kept tking photos of her hahaha :DD oh then yup went home... in e aftnoon went marina bay sands to lk stay thr for 3d2n... buut it's e 2nd day now and I'M SUPER DUPER UBER BORED... EVEN MORE BORED THAN STAYING AT HOME T.T  is lk got nth to do one manzz... ohh last night we went to walk on e helix bridge :) mbs lk got nth one.. only mingpaihuo... e only shop i went into was ARTBOX (Y) haha nicee stuff :)) so sian now.. oh they're lk gonna build e ice skating rink... next time can go thr haha :P ok shall go watch MY BEAUTIFUL BEAST!!! THEY'RE MINEEEE :D:D:D sad TEENTOP MIA alr :C anyways... byebye :P

Monday, November 1, 2010 Y 11/01/2010 11:24:00 AM

Hey y'all :D long time no post :)
hehe haizz... school's out :/ bye 2P'10 :( will miss y'all...
anyways hmm lemme start w thurs promotion day... we had e ppl situational test... hmm got several 2Pians n 1Hians... hehe i'm not biased but i think ruoxin was quiite gd :D somemore she 1st in class :D hehe saranya n edwina were ok... haha atfirst dun dare approach the emo me haha :D then anyway station was cancelled cos of the o level exams... but actually we werent making too much noise what... ok nvm -.- aft that had COALS BTC e HALF DAY ONE. thenlearned abt knots n lashings etc... oh n played games... sang cheers n campfire songs lalalaa :) haha i forgot alr... hehe
then COALS BTC e 2DAYS1NIGHT ONE :) at first i was lk kinda scared to go cos lk all e instructors were quite scary.... esp instructor shannen :O anyway, i still went... IDK WHY EVERYTIME I GO CAMP JUST PACK ENOUGH THINGS ONLY BUT HV LK SOOOOOOO MANY STUFF N SUCH A BIGBIGBIGBIGBIG BAG == haha... ok anyway then aft school delta quickly ate lunch tgt n labelled ourselves... then went to report at basketball court... hmm got briefing then went to put our bags in canteen then started our activities... my grp's first activity was belay school :) YAY I KINDA CONQUERED MY FEAR OF HEIGHTS :D but then the string so shaky so irritating -.- keep swaying here n thr == ok nvm then aft that we had orienteering... then learn abt e compass etc backbearing etc... haha oh n if instructors say HORNET ATTACK must lie down flat on floor n use hands to cover neck.heh. then oh we played some build bridge game... must use knots n lashing one... then played dog n bone... ALSO use knots n lashing -.- haha instructor shannen sabo nicolette hehe :P then learned to pitch tent... then OUTDOOR COOKING :D HAHA we ate sooooo much maggie mee n veg n scrambled egg.. :) then went to bathe... CHAOS IN TOILETS I TELL U. echo was still hogging e toilet... so ate into delta's time for lk 4-5min? SO WE HAD ONLY 5MIN LEFT FOR E WHOLE GROUP TO BATHE... so while waiting we WASHED OUR HAIR IN THE SINKS == lk wth... k nvm then aft bathing we went to play games... haha at first we thought we had fright night then claire was lk clinging on to me haha :) but is just a game in the class room block... get through the maze w/o touching e obstacles haha (: then went to parade square for grp debrief. then went to our sleeping area (arena sports hall) for final mass debrief then set up out sleeping bags then wash up... then we sleep. HAHA JODY IS SO CUTE!! :D next morn she told me.. wlao how ur sleep so fast?! i try sleep cnt sleep... then i was lk spying on u whether u were really sleeping haha!  LOL xD SO CUTE SIA (: then next morn washed up early then reported to basketball court... put our bags in canteen again. then started outdoor cooking for breakfast... YAY FRENCH TOAST! :D heheh then had some "amazing race" haha had to use orienteering.. then played wacko w instructors including instructor shannen (: FUNFUNFUN :D HEHE :P Instructor WeeMing then had to do forfeit then we made her shout DELTA IS THE BEST to everyone (: then instructor shannen also had... so actually previously alpha had sang their love cheer to her but we said alpha! i tot u sang that to instructor irene alr? orhorr..... (: so we mae instructor shannen shout to them "ALPHA! I BELONG TO DELTA! DELTA IS MY ONE AND ONLY!!" WHEE~ WE WERE LK SOOOO HAPPY! i realised that instructor shannen was funny n nice too (: COOL also 8D hehe then alpha was lk saying u broke our hearts haha :D ok yah then played more games then debrief then went for lunch w dad then went home haha (: yeah... ohoh and and we also had to say our fav instructors... so i said instructor audrey n instructor weeming... but now i like instructor humairah also hehe;D she so nice :P
haizzz my results were just ok... hmm but it's ok.. idw go triple science le... i wanna get into double science chem n physics, pure hist n ss geog. yup ^^ hehe 
hmm still got what uh? haha idk. hmm i miss 2P :C 
anyway... wah hols r lk so busy... i shall stick to my resolution... go jogging every morn haha (: hehe tmr going cip then go appraisal then go bishan e korean shop (bring rachel thr... she wanna see haha) then go city square (do hw at e macs then go get tifany's present then rachel's buying me my SHINee POSTER WHEE~ YAY :D:D then go home haha (: thurs go cip again (: then FRIDAYYYY ^^ FINALLY GERALTHERNON GATHERING AGAIN!! WHEE~ we're gonna make our clique tee whee~ i wonder what 6a will say when we wear to class gathering haha :P haha CANT WAIT!!! ^^ hehe holidays all so busy... hmm next wk got cip again.. oh and rachel, jo n i are rep our school for some science eco competition... hv to wear ccu == haha anyway will get cip hrs also WHEE~ YAY (: next wk also got e pcps thing... GERALTHERNON wanna go tgt but all our schedules clash... haizz... now all e kpop bands coming but i cnt go >.< SAD :C haizz... MY BEAST N 2PM.... SHINee TEENTOP CO-ED AND CNBLUE ALSO >.<
haizz... depressed... haha anyway cnt w8 till pc chalet n gz chalet hehe :) ok gtg BYEBYE :D

Thursday, October 14, 2010 Y 10/14/2010 09:25:00 PM

TEEHEE!!! TODAY IS E FINAL DAY OF EXAMS!!! WOOTS!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D hehe :P yay!!! :D:D hehe FREEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! :D:D:D yay!!! but tmr still hv tuition T.T crap man.... haha sound lk CLAP MAN~ fr TEENTOP'S Clap!! WOOTS! <3 CHEONJI!! ^^ heheh anyway today was MATH 1&2 then i still had THE DREADED STOOPID MALAY =.= i think paper 1 was screwed :X die. but i hope paper 2 will pull my marks up.. I'M NOT GONNA LOSE THIS A1 IDC!!I CNT AFFORD TO LOSE IT >.< heh paper 2 i was lk freaking out... so many freaking algebra qns -.- stoopid. i was lk cramming my head at one then i skipped it n came back l8r n realised it was actually so freaking easy?!! ._. lk wth?! then aft paper 2 everyone was lk cheering then it made me n denise even more sad :/ cos we still had msp until 2.30pm -,,- so we left e classroom quietly... same case for susanna & nadine :/ anyway malay was ok... just that my compo idk what's wrong w my head >< i forgot put paras =.= ok nvm then paper 2 was ok... so we went home... i mean lk left school... de n i went to macdonalds to eat.. then got another weird man ._. why tpy macs got so many weird&freaky&scary ppl O.O ok nvm the eat alr go hdb hub wan play e fun game again but e game was alr hanged =.= no wonder no one play -.- then de so lame go listen all their stories then i was lk dao-ing at the side... then went home.. hehe (: oh am i slot or whut? i just realised that MINHYUK STARRED IN E ORANGE CARAMEL MV!!!! <3<3<3 HEHE :) i veh lucky :) cos everytime i really lk sb/sth, i'll lk keep hving nice dreams of it/him hehe (: haha yay i did e "who's ur beast hubby" quiz n got my darling GIKWANG!!! :D:D:D *HAPPY HAPPY* then i did e "who's ur shinee hubby" quiz n got dearest cutie TAEMINNIE!!!!! :D:D:D *HAPPY HAPPY* I SHALL LOOK FOR A CNBLUE AND TEENTOP ONE NEXT TIME HAHA xD YAY I'M LK HAVING SPASMS NOW BUT WHATEVER :D hehe ok i shall go watch BEAST ALMIGHTY NOWW :D I NOE I'M SLOW BUT WHATEVER NVM IDC HEHEHEHEHE :D :D:D ok byebye :P

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Y 10/13/2010 07:52:00 PM

heh hvnt been posting lately :X hehe this wk's exam wk >.< haha but e papers were all ok... hmm i must say i studied more than last yr, which was lk super uber slack =.= hehe :) so proud of myself! tmr is last day alr! hehe MATH... heard it's gonna be as hard as mock X.X *faints* gahh... then while everyone celebrating i still hv the stoopid MSP T.T sad life sia... sian. i hope i get A1 for everything but a bit impossible... i think math i'll lose my third place :/ haizz.. hehe idk why i can study science very well when i listen to shinee girl lol xP (TAEMINNN!!!! <3)  hehe i study geog well w teentop's clap (HEHE CHEONJI!! <3) heh then during all e papers idk why i always think of a song when writing lol :P hehe... lk el i was thinking of hello, cl was bad girl, geog was soom, history was too late, lit was clap n science was shock (hehe cos of electricity lol) :D hehe so funny.... hmm today science was ok.. but idk why some ppl say difficult then gab even cried :O i didnt know how to yingfu her... then somemore she wanted eat w me... but in e end i think she forgot so de n i went to eat kfc lol (: hehe aft tmr is PARTY TIME!!! hehe 1 MORE DAY TO FREEEDDDOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! :D:D:D HAHAHAHA LOLxD heh i hv absolutely no mood to study math n malay ESP MALAY -.- sian... saya tak mahu bahasa melayu!!!! >.< i think i'm lk gonna fail malay but oh well... i'm gonna quit anyways :) ok shall go now byebyes :) 


Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Y 9/29/2010 08:02:00 PM

hehe sian of studying alr T.T damn exams.. yesterday's chinese so HARD!! >:/ depressed x(
haizz... failed math mock :X die liao lah. 
hehe huizheng gana gab n maybe miner getting me shinee lucifer album ver b whee~ lol (:
sianz... shall go FB now.. idc study until just now can le :) hehe

I<3<3<3GIKWANG+TAEMIN+MINHYUK!!!! gikwang on some show w jinwoon n changmin SO FUNNY!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA i had lk serious stomachache aft that lol laugh too much xD taemin danced madonna aft he lost e dance competition! hehe minhyuk same bdae as seohyun... JEALOUS JEALOUS :/ haha :)

hehe now is ppl attachment :) today 2 really stood out :D hehe strongly recommend :D 
haha tmr change again.. friday also :P hehe cnt w8 :)

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tmr got mat mock paper 2 DAMMIT T.T haha IDC liao!!! >:( GAHHHHHHHHHH ok i shall go bb :P

Saturday, September 18, 2010 Y 9/18/2010 06:09:00 PM

MY BIRTHDAY FINALLY ARRIVED!!! i was so happy :) loved all the gifts :) THANK YOU EVERYONE! :D MWACKS! :Dhehe
had msp too =.= then aft that went to eat icecream w denise germ n siming :) went to walk n buy presents too :) hehe loved it :) it was undescribable :) HEHE

BORING =.= still got GUZHENG T.T

yay pe was funnnnnnn!! :) woots tennis! :D hehe 

was ok... just that assembly was super boring n i still had msp+cca+chinese tuition T.T 

FINE.. almost finished D&T :) wrote to my angel :) haha i know who it is but i am pretending idk haha :) it's lk so obvious :) my mortal knows it's me :) anyway i shall give her my T.O.P poster... idl him lol  :P hehe l8r going out buy shoes from my aunt whee~ haha oh monday hving study date w chloe rachel n zuzu :) haha cnt w8.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010 Y 9/08/2010 10:40:00 AM

heyyos... today is such a rainy n cold dayy :) but l8r needta go to school for cca :/ haizz... sian of guzheng alr. sian of mls alr. haizz... haha last night had a weird dream.. it was sth lk slc, but it was held at maris stella lol.. then saw all slc friends... then we were playing sth, then i ran super fast... and after that i got killed due to a major bomb =.= haha i'm still so tired.. yesterday n monday went to school for d&t.. finished my proj alr... only need to paint n assemble. haha.. wlao then yesterday i so blur.. i forgot to bring back my plastic n my grp forgot to bring back the white presentation board =.= i asked julia help me check aft we left but she say door locked alr T.T haizz... hopefully will be still thr.  idw make another one :/ haha.. wlao today got guzheng... got guzheng.... so boring.... haizz... gonna bring hw lol... idk for wad but yeah... yesterday went to comics connection to buy nq's bdae present but i couldnt find the poster i saw the previous day! wah so unlucky sia.. 1 day gone alr. so now i asking e plaza sing one whether they have..  i hope they do... then tmr shopping w mum for my bdae can go collect :) haizz... they still hvnt reply me.. sad.. okk.. i'm so excited for tmr!! haha go shopping.. lol then today mum n bro go universal studios..HAHA luckily i cnt go n dw go. cos now it's lk RAINING. lol. haizz... i wan the rain to stop.. okk.. i shall go mugg now.. see this yr so much guai-er than last yr. haha cos streaming :X haha ok bb :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Y 8/31/2010 10:08:00 PM

Today was just AWESOME :D haha.. in e morn we learnt defence skills :)
then halfway i went to do deco stuff in e hall which was so funny cos we kept laughing at the trs' rehearsals... we shouted w mr ravi "hit it!" n also we were lk saying the trs dancing sorry sorry so fail sia =.= haha! but really really funny!! :D:D then i went to check soccer, then cedarians started coming in...ok.... so then i help trs n all open door to walk in :) gana is so so happy she gave to mr aiman! LOL :D  then was CHEER!!! woots!!! i didn't expect bougae to be third... lk they so unorganised no offence..but anyway we got 2nd!!! haha for both sports n cheer!!! WOOTS!!!! ROSE DOMINATES!! :D:D haha. kinda regret not joining cheer last yr..:/ but anyways ... :) haha lol. anyway then had vids n awards n e performances... so HILARIOUS!! :D:D hehe... was screaming n laughing lk crazzae!! :):) then went back pcps :) met khaishing they all... then saw sally they all but decided to walk n look for heather first :) shannon didn't come :( anyway then we found mrs soh n chatted n gave our gifts when jervis that gang came n wow was i shocked or what? even dingjie was almost my height sia! OMG seriously!?!?!? then jervis way past my head alr!!!!! >:/ anyway, then we went down to the pavillion whr e others were, to meet mrs gan.. chatted w andrea, khaishing they all. ks n i talked abt SLC. wlao she supposed to tk my grp then she go China =.= she should tk EVRI :/ anyway... then we met n chatted w mrs gan n xls. took photos :) haha mrs gan still as nice as ever :) OMG n yes all the guys are shooting up so high! yanshen is lk so tall u hv to tilt ur head up to talk lol.. wah... envy envy... :) haha but nvm i lk being short... sorta.. then aft that ks left.. idk whr jiaqi they all go but idc nvm.. so we went to watch e performance which was wquite cute but boring... so we went j8.. ate at pizza hut.. soup not was nice but oh well.. wanted to watch movie but no nice one except step up 3D which we watch b4 lol :) so we just walked n decided to fulfill germ of her wish.. we went on an amazing adventure around Sgp by bus, train, n walking lol :) but veh fun... n we talk non-stop :) we even designed our clique tee which we're gonna make (shhhhh dun tell anyone lol) haha n we plan to wear it during the next class party :D heheh. then we fr bishan go marymount walk then tk bus to hougang then walk then tk train to ishan then go home... but took us a few hrs cos we walk veh long n talk so much :) yupp (: so today is a HAPPY HAPPY DAYY :) i shall sleep in tmrw. :Phaha yep.. i hope exams will be over faster then can see shannon heather n germ soon... n we can make the tees :) ok... shall stop here... bb (:

Monday, August 23, 2010 Y 8/23/2010 09:26:00 PM

... and i promise myself i will never shed a tear again...

ok yesterday i wanted to post more emo stuff but didnt get to use the com... i guess ppl really crash/ get really emo at this point of the year... anyway i've got over it and I AM HAPPY :D:D:D lol.. and i finally wrote a letter to my conshare :) yay me :D haha lol... snigdha here comes ur letter:) it's lk wk 8 alr n i just wrote my first letter to her =.= ok... anyway at least i wrote... haha :) but not as many as i wrote to xinyu n rachel loke... cos i was lk sorta closer to them n i didn't really know anything about snigdha... anyway i shall pas the letter to her tmrw... :) haha ok... i shall gooooo :)bye bye lk finally :)

Y 8/23/2010 09:19:00 PM

HAHA ok this is random :)
I LOVE SURPRISES :D probably cos my bdae is coming^^ cnt w8 :) haha...i was always dreaming of hving ppl throw surprise parties for me but that's so LOL xD haha so impossible can?! haha.. anyway i'm not expecting anything except a new bag/ some CN BLUE STUFF ^^ or UKISS stuff :) 2PM/2AM oso can haha :) haha now i'm so obsessed w wgm.... :) but i flunked chinese :X so must work hard noww :) gonna do assessment books :) haha BORING but anyways~ haha ok this is seriously random but idc lol :) 7th september hving evri outing... shld i go? dun feel lk going.... wanna stay home study.... but is lk last time i keep saying them when they dun wan go then if i say dun wan they confirm nag me esp cherine seah sia lol :) hmm... idk lah... ok shall post until here :)  today is a happy day~     OK that's is seriously RANDOM =.= i'm lk writing abt the chapters of my life lol... yesterday i was damn emo cos of the chinese thing.... wanted to post sth emo... haha i shall just post it next as a phrase or sth lol :) haha okies bb :D


i am a random girl.
CRAZZAE at times :D
Loves to laugh and have fun
i'm a NICE pc (:
i like colourful stuff

If you don't like my blog,
you can Click here.


♥pcps 6a'08
♥cgss 1POPsicle'09 & 2PokPokKeh'10 :D
♥PCPS CO tanbo'04-08
♥CPB! <3

♥heR Loves♥

♥pcps 6a'08
♥cgss 1POPsicle'09 & 2PokPokKeh'10 :D
♥PCPS CO tanbo'04-08
♥CPB!♥ esp darling zulaikha&chloe& dear mum enching& dear dad mel :) haha! and secret valentine kapeela!!♥
♥cgss 1Hundred Dollars'10
♥tuition mates!
♥Colours :D ♥


~Surprise Birthday Party? or just sth surprising :D ♥
~Colourful&Cool 8) stuff ♥ :D
~iphone 5!
~NEW SCHOOL BAG (desperately need one ><)
~neww pencilcase!
~neww watch!
~nicee clothes!!
~neww bags!!
~to learn KOREAN
~to pass my piano exam! ~to finish learning all e secret songs... esp the duets!! ♥
~to be 19!
~2PM Still 2:00PM ALBUM
~♥UKISS only one album
~♥BEAST Boys to search for top ALBUM
~♥SHINee HELLO repackage Album
~to get good grades...
~to survive COALS
~loadds more stuff which i cnt think of noww...

♥heR WhisPeR♥

♥heR Music♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com